I am a passionate and fully-qualified Language Coach, Neurolanguage Coach® and Cultural Advisor.
I have been sharing my skills and competencies in the Italian Language and Culture with expertise and excellent results for18 years.
Neurolanguage Coaching®
I have always been calling myself a Coach and a Facilitator of Learning because this is what I do.
I help people to achieve their goals. I make it possible for them to perform effectively in Italian and feel completely relaxed and immersed in the Italian culture.
Also, as a Teacher Trainer, I love giving my colleagues new perspectives and creative methodologies.
I strongly believe in Creativity as a vital skill for every language coach. It is also crucial to use body, voice, images, colours, and space.
I have a wide range of teaching experience
under my belt, having worked for schools, embassies, companies, organizations, and individual students of various ages.
Today, I coach above all teenagers and adults.
They are students, entrepreneurs,
professionals or artists who need to - or want to - learn Italian.
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Fill in the questionnaire or send me an email at info@howtolearnitalian.it.